How to make a podcast

Podcasts are a fun way to get your content out there, whether it’s discussing an important topic, doing an actual play of a game or...

How to Use Google Search …as a Game

Google, a search engine with the biggest database in the world, has a game made after it. This search engine has a...

What’s the Deal with Straw Bale Houses?

For thousands of years people have been making their homes from various adobe methods. An adobe house is any kind of house that is made of clay mixed...

Top Ten Decor ideas for your Gaming Desk

By Ryan O. Desks are not only a place for work, they are also a place to play, and gaming desks are getting more personalized with different gear...

Fall In, Turn Up and Stretch Out

Choosing a Recliner It’s hard to believe that the original recliner was introduced in the 1920’s. We didn’t even have internet then… or TV… was the wheel invented?...

Top 9 Real Life Easter Eggs

Hidden Treasures in Strange Locales From hidden humor in product advertising to poignant artistic installations in outlandish places, the world around us contains amazing rewards for the discerning...

Jenny McCarthy Makes Public Statement Denouncing Technology After Learning of Minecraft’s Rumored Links to...

Actress, model, television host, and anti-vaccine activist Jenny McCarthy has come out publicly against technology in a statement made at the most recent TACA conference after having...

Unbelievable Landlord Property Management Nightmare

Dealing With Bad Tenants Can Be A Nightmare Issues with tenants are problematic for virtually every landlord at one time or another. But the right answer isn’t always...

Got to Crack a Few Easter Eggs to Make an Omelette

You Won’t Believe What Happened When This Family Buried Easter Eggs in a Magic Primeval Forest The Johnsons wanted to do something extra special for their gaggle of...

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

by Ryan O. Let’s face it: Every year, we have a new year’s resolution, which is some promise to ourselves to make ourselves better whether it’s hitting the...