
Preventing Household Fires

It starts by identifying the most common causes Fire is scary. Its ability to spread quickly is not to be taken for granted. You can’t take chances when...
Some people just want to see the money burn

Apparently Kitchen Remodels Cost Nothing, Why Did Nobody Tell Me

Economic Advisor Cohn Suggests $1,000 Can Pay for a New Car, Kitchen Remodel, or a Pet Pegasus (Guess Which One We Made Up) We’re dredging this absurd quote...

Top Ten Decor ideas for your Gaming Desk

By Ryan O. Desks are not only a place for work, they are also a place to play, and gaming desks are getting more personalized with different gear...

Overcoming Work Weariness

Helpful tips for being more positive & efficient at work If you sit at a desk all day you inevitably find yourself struggling to keep your eyes open....

Achieving Peace of Mind

Important steps to inner harmony Can it be helped? Some of us are just wired to maintain an anxious state. Maybe you were late to work, or got...

The Homeowner Strikes Back

Buying a home is a time to save money – not waste it! Ah, the joy of buying a new home. That’s what you think before you get...

Brighten the Blues

Tips for escaping the blahs Most people have found themselves down in the dumps, some more than others. An entire industry has been based – and depends –...

Need-to-Know Survival Tips for California Wildfires

Have A Plan When A Wildfire Strikes Near You Wildfires have moved beyond the realm of risk into the territory of “fact of life” for California residents from...

Relax, be Productive!

Reduce work stress with a sense of achievement Forget relaxing, everything is about work. You might even feel guilty when you dream about light hearted recreation and taking...

The Savings of being Stingy

Manage your money a little more aggressively than you ever have Is there anything worse that getting your latest credit card statement? I get anxious just seeing it...