Six Primary H2O Advantages

Reviewing the top reasons why water is good for you. It’s the gift of life, liquid gold. There is nothing more refreshing than water. More than ever, it...

A Desk Life

How to infuse your boring desk job with zest There is much talk about being motivated at work. Maybe there are numbers to hit, or free lunches to...

9 Game Night Ideas for your Next Board Game Night (that are NOT Monopoly)

Not sure what kind of board games would be good for a party crowd without bringing out some version of Monopoly where the price of Boardwalk is...

Silence (really) is Golden

Why keeping quiet at work could be your best strategy for getting ahead You could have the gift of gab, or you could be painfully shy. Typically, it’s...

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

by Ryan O. Let’s face it: Every year, we have a new year’s resolution, which is some promise to ourselves to make ourselves better whether it’s hitting the...

A Modern Guide to Saving Money

How to be frugal in an age where debt rules the land Forget the promises and vows and New Year’s Resolutions if they haven’t worked for you in...
Some people just want to see the money burn

Apparently Kitchen Remodels Cost Nothing, Why Did Nobody Tell Me

Economic Advisor Cohn Suggests $1,000 Can Pay for a New Car, Kitchen Remodel, or a Pet Pegasus (Guess Which One We Made Up) We’re dredging this absurd quote...

Top Ten Decor ideas for your Gaming Desk

By Ryan O. Desks are not only a place for work, they are also a place to play, and gaming desks are getting more personalized with different gear...

The Science of Communication

More than ever it is important to express yourself effectively It does not matter if it’s your personal or professional life, you can’t get by without interpersonal skills....

When a Salesman Speaks…

Learn the tricks of his trade and how not to be taken in by them At some point in most of our lives we’ve fallen prey to a...